Broadway BIA Rate-Payer Security and Mitigation
As a Broadway Business Improvement Area Rate-Payer, you get many benefits. But beyond litter and graffiti, one of the most acute problems businesses have been impacted by (especially since the pandemic started) is security for you and your staff. This has been exacerbated by our relationship with the SPD, either 1) an unwillingness to call SPD due to safety concerns or 2) the SPD’s inability to show up in a timely manner. Many businesses have felt like they were on their own. The BIA has rolled out an on-call security service to address these issues.
On-Call Security Service
The Broadway BIA has contracted with a security service, Iron & Oak (based just off Broadway at Pine), to provide on-call response to security issues at your business. This may include someone having a mental health crisis either inside or just outside your business, or someone threatening an employee, or an argument that is escalating where it’s unsafe for you or your staff to intervene. Average response time is expected to be 15 minutes, but it could be as little as 5 or as many as 30.